Monday, March 22, 2010

Operant Conditioning vs Classical Conditioning

Both Operant and Classical Conditioning deal with behavior. Classical conditioning describes an involuntary or automatic response to a stimulus. Associations are learned among previous events. Operant Conditioning is known as learning in which behaviors are altered by the consequences that follow them.

Punishment's "Side Effects"

Punsihment has a variety of "side effects" as I'd like to call them. Here are some of the negative problems punishment creates;

  1. Punsihment often fails to stop and can even increase the undesired response.

  2. Punsihment arouses strong emotional responses that may generalize.

  3. Using punishment models aggression.

  4. Internal control of behavior is not learned.

  5. Punsihment can very easily become abuse.

  6. Pain is strongly associated with aggression.

  7. Punsihment works best when it occurs every time.

Remember humans learn best when taught how to do better and be better. The difference between punishment and discipline is that punishment is based on causing fear.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Operant Conditioning

Operant Conditioning was the term used by BF Skinner "to describe the effects of the consequences of a particular behavior on the future occurrence of that behavior."

The Reinforcers strengthen or increase the behavior it follows. There are 2 kinds;
  1. Positive Reinforcement: A favorable event that is presented after the behavior. In these situations, the behavior is strengthened by the addition of something, such as a praise or reward.
  2. Negative Reinforcement: It involves the removal of the unfavorable outcome after the display of the behavior. In a situation like this, the behavior is strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant.
  • Notice that in both, the behavior increases.
In Punishment the behavior is decreased or weakened by the consequence of experiencing the application of a adverse stimulus or the removal of a pleasant one. There are two kinds of punishment;
  1. Positive Punishment (Punishment by Application): Is something applied to reduce a behavior. Keep in mind that the "behavior" is the one that is punished, not the "animal". It is said that when used correctly, positive punishment is the best way to stop unwanted behaviors, Its only flaw would be not giving a specific alternate behavior.
  2. Negative Punishment: On the other hand, negative punishment takes away something pleasant or Good. This works when the "animal"is avoiding getting that good or pleasant thing, taken away.
  • In both types of punishments, the behavior decreases.

BF Skinner

BF Skinner was a psychologist who was born on March 20, 1904. He dies of Leucemia on August 18, 1990. When he was child, living in Pennsylvania, he described his life as"warm and pleasant". He loved building things as well as inventing them.
In 1945, after his college life, Skinner becomes the head os the Psychology Department at the University of Indiana. Three years later, he moves his job to Harvard, where he stays for the rest of his life, as a psychologist.
The Baby Tender

Skinner became famous thanks to 2 of his discoveries. Skinner discovered Operant Behavior after running some tests based on Operant Conditioning. He also came up with the Baby Tender. A baby crib who's use was misunderstood by the public.
Throughout his life, Skinner won 4 awards which were of great importance to him.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Personality Psychology

Personality Psychology studies personality and individual differences. It is divided into three areas of focus:
1.How People Can Differ From One Another

2.How People Are Different

3.Constructing A Coherent Picture Of A Person

Personality is made up of a unique set of characteristics every individual has, that make him/her one of a kind. Personality arises from within the individual, and persists all throughout a person's life.

Some Characteristics of Personality Include:

- Psychological and Physiological

- Impact Behaviors and Actions

- Multiple Expressions

For More Information Visit:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Ivan Pavlov

Ivan Pavlov made an advancement in the field of psychology by Accident. He discovered that for every unconditioned stimulus, there was an unconditioned response. After that a conditioned stimulus developed a very similar conditioned response. He achieved this by studying dog's and by watvching them drool.

For More Information Go To:

John B Watson

John B Watson conducted the LITTLE ALBERT EXPERIMENT. He discovered that fears are conditioned. One is born with no fears at all. His experiment is considered unethical. He experimented on a baby and left him with fears of anything furry and/or white. Thanks to his discoveries, psychology has advanced in its learning a great bunch.