Sunday, March 21, 2010

BF Skinner

BF Skinner was a psychologist who was born on March 20, 1904. He dies of Leucemia on August 18, 1990. When he was child, living in Pennsylvania, he described his life as"warm and pleasant". He loved building things as well as inventing them.
In 1945, after his college life, Skinner becomes the head os the Psychology Department at the University of Indiana. Three years later, he moves his job to Harvard, where he stays for the rest of his life, as a psychologist.
The Baby Tender

Skinner became famous thanks to 2 of his discoveries. Skinner discovered Operant Behavior after running some tests based on Operant Conditioning. He also came up with the Baby Tender. A baby crib who's use was misunderstood by the public.
Throughout his life, Skinner won 4 awards which were of great importance to him.


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